Increasingly, as so-called intellectual property becomes more prominent in the economy of the information age, is the entertainment industry becoming our government? Copyright is beginning to destroy our culture and exterminate the arts until Western art will be an empty shell, if it isn't already. On second thought, this is easy to defeat. Just take an empty media player with you and fill it up from the network once you arrive at your destination...most people will probably fill it up with "pirate" editions since those will be the easiest to obtain. Someday, there won't be any source other than the network anyway. Or, as one person commented, mail your ipod to you. I have to agree with the other comments that this is a futile effort by hidebound executives to put their finger in the dike. What troubles me is that this erosion of our culture has been going on for a long time, since the introduction of recorded media. ...
What's on my mind from the castle.